Glorious Grace One-a-Day Wednesday  9/4/24

A life worthy

In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will–to the praise of his glorious grace… (Ephesians 1:6).

His glorious grace

I love the sound of those words, and not just because of the alliteration.

His grace–by its very nature I could never earn it, never deserve it, never demand it. His grace simply flows out of his love, out of his goodness, out of his very nature. His grace demonstrates to all who are willing to see what a mighty, merciful God he is.

His grace brings him glory.

Today promises to be a pretty stressful day for me. I plan to hold on to this passage. I am going to remind myself–probably multiple times–that I am his because of his glorious grace.

And I will praise him today.

Care to join me, Beloved?

Happy Wednesday.

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