But seek first his kingdom, and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well (Matthew 6:33).
There’s just so much.
Everywhere I turn there’s…stuff I need to do.
It’s overwhelming.
You know what I’m talking about.
Look, Beloved, Jesus isn’t saying that you should ignore the rent, the car insurance, the homework, the family responsibilities. He’s saying that you shouldn’t let them be first in your heart. It’s a forest and trees kinda thing. Don’t become so fixated on the details of life that you forget your reason for living.
Before you dive into the day, with all its attending stresses and fears and lists, take a moment
maybe this moment
to stop, and to pray, and to connect with the One who made you
the One who chose you
the One who loves you
and see if the rest doesn’t sort itself out.
Happy Monday, Beloved.