Faith One-a-Day Thursday 6/8/23

A life worthy

To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit…  (1 Corinthians 12:9).


the substance of things hoped for

the evidence of things unseen

That’s how the author of Hebrews saw it.

We believe that which we cannot prove.

We trust when we cannot verify.

Beloved, we all have faith, or we wouldn’t be followers of Christ. But Paul puts this in the list of spiritual gifts, given to some but not all. So, he must be talking about something more here. I think Paul’s talking about that extra measure of faith that lets people go for the impossible, to see the finished building before the first brick is laid. You know someone like that–or maybe you are someone like that. These people blow past the naysayers–inside the Church and out–and accomplish massive things for the Kingdom of God. They hold on to the promises of God like…well, like they were true. That is a gift, indeed.

I would add a caveat here, Beloved. There is danger with this gift. The danger lies in holding on to promises that God never made, or at least never made to you.  You know someone like that, too. Or maybe…

So perhaps Captain Faith needs to hang out with Mr. Wisdom, just to keep things on an even keel. The gifts of the Spirit, working together, reinforcing each other

like a team

or a family

or a body

Happy Thursday, Beloved

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