My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me (1 Corinthians 4:4).
Somehow, I don’t find this comforting.
I mean, a clear conscience…that’s supposed to be a good thing, right?
Yep, it’s good.
Just not good enough. Beloved, your conscience is being renewed, just like your mind and your heart, by the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit.
But it ain’t there yet.
In the meantime, your sense of right and wrong is just a little bit askew. The balance of justice and mercy in your heart is a bit off–heavy on the mercy for you, perhaps, heavy on the justice for others. You are possessed of an amazing, near mythic ability to justify your actions and thoughts and, you know, sin.
Yeah, so, your conscience…not quite the infallible judge.
Fortunately, you don’t need to be the judge of yourself. The Lord of the Universe is going to take care of that little detail for you.
Aren’t you the lucky one?
Yes, actually. You are.
Happy Tuesday, Beloved.
Very good, thank you!