Concern   One-a-Day Thursday    8/15/24

A life worthy

I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. (Philippians 4:10).

I’m a schoolteacher.  Because of our schedule, there is one month during the summer when I get no paycheck. For many years I covered the gap by teaching summer school.  It was tight, but it worked.

Until the year they decided–at the last minute–not to offer summer school.

Uh, oh.

Cathy and I mentioned our tight situation as a prayer request in our Sunday School class. Together we prayed that God would provide, and he did.

Through them

Our brothers and sisters in Christ showed up the next week with trunks full of supplies for us. Love made manifest in produce. I gotta tell you, it was uncomfortable being on the receiving end of such a thing. It was humbling, and I’ve never enjoyed being humbled. I felt stupid and inadequate and distinctly loserly.

But the gift was given in joy, not judgment. One look told me that our friends were genuinely happy to have the chance and the ability to help. We were blessed. They were blessed. The Father was pleased. 

Beloved, don’t miss out on your opportunity to give today.

Or your opportunity to receive.

Each can be a blessing.

Happy Thursday, Beloved.

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