Big Government One-a-Day Tuesday  12/26/17

A life worthy

Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. (Isaiah 9:7)  

I’m not really a fan of big government.  More of a low taxes, leavemealoneandlletmelivemylifewithoutyouconstantlytellingmewhattodoandtryingtoprotectmefrommyself kind of guy.

But His government?  I’m all in.

You know, the best form of government would be a truly benevolent dictatorship.  We get someone in power who knows what’s best, wants what’s best, and is willing and able to do what’s best without regard for lining their own pockets.  

The problem, of course, is that people are people.

Because even the best of men and women are sin-encrusted narcissists, that kind of rule is just not possible.

Outside of Christ.

One day Jesus will rule here on Earth in the flesh.  We will get someone in power who knows what’s best, wants what’s best, and is willing and able to do what’s best without regard for lining his own pockets. His reign will go on and on and just get better and better.

Until that day, we can know his government in our hearts and lives.

If you belong to Jesus, his peace, his power, his rule in your life is growing each day.  Oh, you may not feel it all the time, but it’s happening.

Chew on this today: are you allowing Christ to govern your life, or are you getting in his way?

Happy Tuesday, Beloved.

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