Boy, that title could be problematic if you’re not careful… As I was saying last Friday, Cathy and I have had some interesting dates in our time. But. Kids and work and debt and mortgages and plain old inertia seem … Continue reading
This place is a dump. No, really. I remember my first real date with Cathy. It was the perfect evening. We had dinner together at an exotic restaurant, then went for a romantic walk down a secluded woodland path. We … Continue reading
You may have noticed that sometimes I get a little scattered. My writing can be a bit…oh…hodgepodgey. Looking back over the six months since I started this blog, I see that I have written about hiking, braces, car failures, home … Continue reading
Is my family cheap…or are we deep? Both, I’m thinking. At gift giving times—birthdays, Christmas, Arbor Day, etc.—my family often opts for presents involving experiences. Not that we aren’t fond of stuff. We love stuff, and judging by the amount … Continue reading
#17 on The List: Reclaim body from a year of neglect and failed exercise programs. Not so much yet. It’s not entirely my fault. I didn’t overdo—I thought. My plan called for a mix of the basics: pushups, sit-ups, chin-ups, … Continue reading
I have pain. I spent several hours over the past two days cutting back the climbing rose arch that covers the front of our house. It was #7-C on The List, so it felt good to get it done. A … Continue reading
It happens every time. Whenever I get some time off, I immediately think of all the things I have to get done during my time off. I want to be organized—knowing that organization is key to any successful endeavor—so I … Continue reading
It’s the saving grace of many a childhood game. It’s the secret wish of every man. It’s the Do Over. Tell me you’ve never wished for it. The chance to go back and take the shot, make the investment, show … Continue reading
‘Twas the next billing cycle, and havoc was wrought To our finances by all the stuff that we’d bought. I tried to be good; I strove to be frugal; Still, you would think that I thought I owned Google. … Continue reading
I am not fond of the Christmas clock. Can I just say that right now, and kinda get it out there in the open? I love Christmas, and I have no problem with clocks as a general rule, but the … Continue reading