Anger   One-a-Day Thursday 7/20/23

A life worthy

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered… (1 Corinthians 13:5)

Read all the words, Beloved.

Paul doesn’t say love doesn’t get angry–just that there is a high threshold. 

Even God gets angry, though his anger is always justified, whereas I have been known to pitch a fit over cold tater tots.

No, that was not a metaphor. I despise cold tater tots.

The quicker our anger flares, the higher the likelihood that our anger is unjustified, that we have misjudged the situation. Taking time allows us to fully understand what is happening and whether it is worth getting in a tither about. 

It also allows for mercy and grace to enter the picture, which is really never a bad thing.

I have a strategy for slowing my anger roll that is highly effective on the rare occasions that I choose to use it. I try to see the person I’m angry at as Jesus sees them–a broken, flawed, hurting soul whom God loved enough to send Jesus to die for. I recognize their need for mercy, and I acknowledge that I have in that moment the unique opportunity to be like God and extend mercy. It’s a beautiful thing,


it’s difficult because it requires me to take my eyes off myself and focus on the one I’m trying to love. As you may have noticed, that is not my strong suit.

Fortunately, God is far better at this love thing than I could ever be. He sees me as I am–a broken, flawed, hurting soul whom He loved enough to send Jesus to die for. He recognizes my need for mercy, and He extends it.

It is a beautiful thing.

Happy Thursday, Beloved

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