Amen One-a-Day Friday  8/23/24

A life worthy

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen (Philippians 4:23).

Well, Beloved…we did it.

Pretty much the entire book of Philippians

Go us.

So…Paul signs off with a simple sentence, a benediction to his readers. But it’s more than a simple, “That’s all, folks!” He manages to encapsulate, in a few words, a big chunk of the Christian life:

  1. It’s grace–you can’t earn it.
  2. It’s Jesus–always, ever Jesus.
  3. It’s your spirit–God works from the inside out. 

Take that reminder with you into your Friday. 

The Lord of Everything chooses to love you, in spite of…well…you. He’s given you all you need to live and to serve and to be amazing.

So, go live.

Go serve.

Go be amazing.

Happy Friday, Beloved.

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