Hope Monday  10/7/24

A life worthy

I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you…(Ephesians 1:18)

There’s the Someday hope, of course.

That’s the hope of eternity, when we stand before Him, sin and sorrow and shame completely behind us, finally and forever whole and holy as we take our place in his kingdom.

That’s a good hope, the Someday hope.

But he’s also called us to the Today hope. 

Monday hope

That’s the hope that comes from knowing that he is ours and we are his and he is working in us and we are hidden in him and somehow this whole messy mess will work for good because we love him and are called…

Yeah, the Today hope is pretty awesome, too.

Walk in hope today, Beloved. He’s given you a lot to walk in.

Happy Monday.

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