The Boast One-a-Day Wednesday  6/12/24

A life worthy

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children without fault in a crooked and depraved generation in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life–in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing (Philippians 2:16).

I’m a teacher, and as I read this a couple of thoughts pop into my head.

One, this is a really long sentence.  Paul…Buddy…I know this is translated from Greek and all, but you oughta review your punctuation.

Two, I identify with this.  I mean, I’m just a middle school teacher, but like all teachers I take a measure of success or failure from my students’ performance.  I know that there are a thousand things that affect their scores over which I have zero influence.  Still, my success is tied up in theirs.  When they pass the test, so do I. When they fall short…

And Paul was so much more than their teacher.  He was the founder of their church, their mentor, their spiritual father…their apostle.

And he was watching to see that his work had not been in vain.

Beloved, who has invested in your life?  Who has run and labored on your behalf?  Remember them today.  Pray for them.  Reach out to them if you can, and let them know that you know…you know?

Happy Wednesday, Beloved.

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