Death and Life One-a-Day Wednesday    11/29/23

A life worthy

For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive (1 Corinthians 15:22).

Poor Adam

Yeah, you heard me.

He gets the credit for the death of humanity–right there in Scripture, for everybody to see.

That’s brutal.

It gives the impression that it was all his fault.

Now don’t get me wrong–Adam broke the relationship. He chose to disobey God, and in doing so he set the sin ball rolling. He earned his death, and ours.

But here’s the thing:

I am Adam.

I would have taken the fruit.

How do I know?

Because I do it today. Even with a new heart and a clean slate and a mind that is being renewed, I sin.

I choose to sin.

You know, the name Adam means, “Son of the red earth.”

That applies to me as it did to him.

So, while I firmly believe that there was a literal Adam, I also believe that Adam was a type that we all would follow. And do

But, thank God, the verse doesn’t end here…and neither do we.

Thanks to the mercy and grace and goodness and boundless love of our Father, in Christ we are made alive. We, who were born into death, have been reborn into life.

Take a deep breath, Beloved. There is no smell of the grave. You live.

In Him

Through Him

For Him

Because of Him

Rejoice, and live today.

Happy Wednesday, Beloved

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