Patient One-a-Day Wednesday 7/12/23

A life worthy

Love is patient… (1 Corinthians 13:4).

Remember that part where it’s not about me?

Well, here we go again.

When I am focused only on myself–the Bible sometimes calls that being “in the flesh”–I am concerned only about my own timetable.

“Let’s get a move on”

“I need you to hurry up.”

“I have to be somewhere.”

“I don’t have time for this.”

“What is taking you so loooong!”

In those all-too-frequent moments, I don’t give a rip about what is happening to the people around me, except in the context of how it is slowing me down.

Not loving

Here’s a little test, Beloved–you are in heavy traffic, running later and later, getting more and more stressed, when you see the lights of emergency vehicles ahead. How do you react?

1. You immediately begin to pray for the people involved in the accident, both the injured and the emergency responders. You pray that God would protect and give wisdom and draw people closer to Himself and generally be glorified in the situation. Congratulations, Beloved! You have just loved.


2. You breathe a sigh of relief and say, “Whew! It’s an accident. The road should be clear after this!”  Thanks for playing. Enjoy your parting gifts.

Patience requires looking beyond yourself and your timeframe and considering the needs of others–even putting them first. That’s what makes it loving.

That’s also what makes it difficult.

Because people are often dumb and slow and get in my way and…


Happy Wednesday. Beloved.

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