One-a-Day Monday 5/26/14

number 1Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart.  But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold.  For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked (Psalm 73:1-3).

Sometimes sinners seem to have all the fun.

I totally identify with the Psalmist on this one.  Although I know better, there are days when I feel like the worldly people around me just seem to have a better life.  Better cars, better jobs, better bank accounts—just…better.  It’s a dangerous place to find myself, as the Psalmist points out.  When I get in that mode, I focus way ever so much too much on what the world values, and I forget what my Lord considers important.  Frankly, I get kinda pathetic.

Look, I know you’re far too spiritually mature to fall into such moods.


Just to humor me, take a moment this morning to step back and evaluate how you look at the world around you.  Do you, by chance, find yourself envying those who do not follow God?  Do you find yourself thinking, even for a moment, that they have a better life than you do?  That they have a freedom you do not?

Father, I pray for clear vision to start the week.  Help us to see this world, and its people, as you do.  Help us to focus on you, and on the abundant, amazing life you offer us.  



Monday’s waiting, Beloved. Go get it.

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