Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently (Galatians 6:1).
Why are you thinking about defusing that behavior bomb you see?
Is it because it really annoys you?
Don’t do it.
Is it because you feel righteous indignation over that person’s wanton immorality?
Don’t do it.
Is it because it’s your solemn duty as Captain Theology to confront heresy in all its forms?
Oh, please, no.
Beloved, before you go diving into another person’s life, you need to do a heart check. Are you praying for this person? Have you asked God to help you see them through His eyes? Have you asked Him to show you the pain, the fear, the loss that might have led this soul to the place they are in? Have you asked God if you are the right person, in the right place, at the right time, to speak? Is your desire to snip the wire borne out of an aching need to see them whole? Is confronting this person the last thing you want to do, but the one thing that they desperately need?
Well, then.
Happy Thursday, Beloved.
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