One-a-Day Wednesday, 8/20/14

number 1With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness.  Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing.  My brothers, this should not be.  Can both fresh and salt water flow from the same spring?   (James 3:9-11).

We’ve all seen it.

We’ve all done it.

We know exactly what James is talking about.  It is a symptom of the identity crisis we all face.  We belong to Christ, yet the world has its grip on us.  In the midst of the struggles of life, and surrounded by the deception of our enemy, we forget who we are.

So, let me take a moment this morning to remind you…

You are a child of the King of the Universe.  You are the one he thought of before time began.  You are the one he created with his hands, his heart, his breath.  You are the one that he left his throne for.  You are the one that he died for.  You are the one that he rose for.  You are the one he will return for.  You are the one he will spend eternity with.

You are his Beloved.

And so am I.

So…let’s act like it today.  Whadday say, Beloved?


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