Sins of Omission  One-a-Day Tuesday 1/5/16

A life worthy

Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins  (James 4:17).

There are sins of commission…and sins of omission.

Once upon a time, I had three friends.  I’ll call them Susan and Sally and Sam (names have been changed to protect the innocent…and the guilty).  Susan and Sally saw that the weather was getting very cold at night, and they knew that there was a large population of homeless in their community.  Susan and Sally wanted to collect some blankets, make some sandwiches and coffee, and go minister to people.  The girls did not feel entirely safe about going into this area alone at night, so they decided to ask Sam to come along.  Sam was a strapping young man fully capable of protecting his friends and lugging heavy loads of coffee and blankets and ministerial whatnot.  So, Susan and Sally asked Sam to come with them and minister to the poor, and Sam said…

I’ll pray about it.

As it turned out, “I’ll pray about it” was a handy euphemism for, “I have no intention of doing what you ask, but I wish to sound spiritual and avoid looking like a selfish ninny.  I shall now hide from you until this whole unpleasant situation goes away.”

God will bring you an opportunity to glorify him today.  What will you do with it?

Happy Tuesday, Beloved.

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