Hope in Him One-a-Day Thursday 9/5/19

A life worthy

Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him (Job 13:15).

Job was the poster boy for rough times.

He was beaten up, knocked down, stepped on.  He had more reason than any of us to think that God had abandoned him.

Yet what did he say?

Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him.

Can you say that, Beloved?  Will you hope in him regardless of what happens in your circumstances?  Is your hope based entirely in God’s character, or is it rooted in your own wants and needs?

Are there any limits to your hope in him?

Any “if’s” to your love?

Something to chew on today, Beloved.

Happy Thursday

Mystery One-a-Day Wednesday 9/4/19

A life worthy

…God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of Glory. (Colossians 1:27).

I don’t understand how.

I can’t fathom why.

I just know what.

And the what is that the Lord of the Universe has chosen to make his home in you.  Somehow, someway, he lives in your heart, and that makes you completely, irrevocably his in a way that will always be a mystery.

It is, nevertheless, true.

And that truth is what gives us hope.  The security, the strength, the love that we can never earn is ours by right because we are his.  We are like street urchins who learn that we are, in fact, the lost heirs to the throne of the kingdom.  Vast, unimaginable riches are ours by birthright. You don’t need to mourn the past—those debts are paid.  You don’t need to fret over the future—glory awaits. You need only to let him live in and through you today, to let him build his home in your heart.  And that is exactly what he wants to do. And that is your hope.

You are his Beloved.

You are his, Beloved.

Happy Wednesday

Anchor One-a-Day Tuesday 9/3/19

A life worthy

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure (Hebrews 6:19).

Go with the flow.

Drift with the tide.

Float wherever the breeze may take you.

Uh, no thanks.

Ships that drift are not happy ships.  They have an awkward tendency to bump into things like rocks and reefs and other ships, with unfortunate results.  Ships need guidance and direction and, when it’s time to rest, an anchor to hold them secure.

Yesterday we talked about hope.  As you looked at the things your heart aches for you may have seen all kinds of desires: physical healing, financial security, marriage, children, a loved one coming to Christ.  These are all worthy desires, but none will keep you from drifting, because none is guaranteed. An anchor must be a sure thing, solid and unmoving.

Like Christ.

Our hope in Christ is unlike any other hope, because it cannot fail to come to fruition.  Frankly, there is no guarantee that the other hopes we have talked about will ever come to pass.  I would love it if you were healed, or got married, or became wealthy, but nobody has promised you those things—at least, nobody with the power to make them happen.  But Jesus has promised you some pretty powerful things. He has promised to love you forever. He has promised that you are his, wholly and completely. He has promised to be with you, now and always.

Jesus is not the God of Maybe.

He is the great I Am.

So don’t drift through your day, Beloved.  Set your anchor and let your soul rest.

Happy Tuesday

Hope One-a-Day Monday 9/2/19

A life worthy

Welcome to Hope Week!

This week we focus on Hope, because…  

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life (Proverbs 13:12).

There’s a whole lot of sick hearts out there.

We hope, we hunger, we long for something, and it tears at us.  We feel a hole in our hearts, and we yearn for that which will fill it.  And then, after weeks, months, years of patience, we obtain our hope, and all is bliss.

Except when we don’t.

Or we do, and it turns out not to be enough.

Then what?

I’m going to open the week with a simple question:  What do you hope for?

I said simple; I never said easy.

Do us both a favor; don’t tell me—or God, or yourself, for that matter—what you think we want to hear.  Because, “I hope for Christ’s return, when I will be glorified with him and made complete in him,” sounds incredibly spiritual, and is a gold star answer in Sunday School, and is probably even true.

But it’s not all, is it?

Dump out your heart this morning.  Sift through all the bits and bobs.  What do you find yourself yearning for, aching for, hoping for?

What is missing?

Just something to ponder as you head into your week.

Happy Monday, Beloved.

Forever One-a-Day Friday 8/30/19

A life worthy

…forever  (Psalm 23:6).

For all the tomorrows that will ever be

Until the end of time and then past that

So far in the future that all moments up to now will seem like a blip

That’s forever.

No, that’s a weak and stumbling attempt to describe a concept I can’t even imagine.

Maybe someday, when my soul gets the expansion pack, Michael 2.0 will be able to fathom the concept of forever. Until then, I will have to be content to wonder and praise.

The Lord is my Shepherd.


Happy Friday, Beloved

The House of God One-a-Day Thursday 8/29/19

A life worthy

…and I will dwell in the house of the Lord… (Psalm 23:6).

Don’t let this part go by too fast.

I’ve read or heard this Psalm so many times that the end often goes by like movie credits. I see it, but I’m not really absorbing.

Absorb this, Beloved.

We will live in God’s house.

I can’t even get my brain around exactly what that might mean.

Obviously, it means we will be with him, but in what capacity? Earlier in this Psalm we were talking about how God is treating David like an honored guest.

But this goes beyond that.

Guests–even honored guests–don’t live in your house.

That would be family.

God calls us family, and we will live with him forever.

Chew on that today, Beloved.

Happy Thursday

Goodness and Mercy One-a-Day Wednesday 8/28/19

A life worthy

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life…(Psalm 23:6)

I need to know that God is good.

I need to know that God is merciful.

I need to know that those qualities will always be part of my relationship to him.

And praise God, he knows that I need to know.

Beloved, be thankful that these elements of his character will always be there, guiding and guarding and watching over us like…



Stalkers, but in a really good way.

A really, really good way.

Happy Wednesday, Beloved

Overflow One-a-Day Tuesday 8/27/19

A life worthy

…my cup overflows(Psalm 23:5).

Not just what I need.


Eversomuch more

Overflowing abbondanza

So, we’re clearly not talking about my bank account here.

Instead, perhaps, we’re talking about greater things.

Things like my heart

My soul

My spirit

If those things be full to overflowing, I’ll survive a skimpy paycheck.

Happy Tuesday, Beloved

Anointing One-a-Day Monday 8/26/19

A life worthy

You anoint my head with oil… (Psalm 23:5).

You will be the honored guest.

In Bible times, the honored guest had oil poured on his head to signify the esteem in which he was held. 

Seems an odd way of showing respect, but there you go.

Shepherds would also anoint their sheep, pouring oil on the animals’ heads to prevent fly larvae from burrowing into the skin. So one could say, if one were so inclined, that this passage indicates God’s willingness to care for David, by, you know, keeping the maggots away.

There’s a picture.

I’m guessing that David was going for the first image, being at a banquet and all. Still, whether the anointing is for honoring, or healing, or rejoicing, the Lord of the Universe has singled out David, and by extension us, for his care and attention.

Pretty amazing, when you think of it.

So think of it.

Happy Monday, Beloved

Vindication One-a-Day Friday 8/23/19

A life worthy

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies  (Psalm 23:5).

Picture it.

The Lord of the Universe brings you to the table, and you realize that the party is for you! He seats you at his right hand and tells all those gathered, “This is my child, my brother, my friend. I honor him. You mess with this one, you mess with me.”

Then he shoots a look across the room, to where your detractors are gathered.

It’s the same kind of look I shoot at my 7th graders when they’re being obnoxious, only it’s much better because he’s God and he does everything better than I do.

Come to the table, Beloved.

It’ll be fun.

Happy Friday