One-a-Day Tuesday, 6/24/14

number 1

So, I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have (2 Peter 1:12).

“Did you put on sunscreen?”

“Don’t forget your water bottle.”

“Remember your jacket.”

“Did you bring something to eat?”

My bride is big into reminders.  She’s a mom, after all, and she takes her job very seriously.  It’s kind of funny to watch our kids bristle under her admonishments.  It’s absolutely hilarious when they ignore her reminders and end up sunburned or thirsty or cold or “starving to death.”  You see, I learned long ago that my Cathy is a “think it through” kind of woman, and her recommendations are well worth heeding.

We need to be reminded of the things that are important.  My kids know what they need to survive a day out in the world, but that doesn’t mean that they’re going to take those things.  Why?  Because they’re fifteen years old, and they still live in the magical world of “Somehow it’ll all just work out.”

Sometimes I live in that same world when it comes to my spiritual life.  I would say that I am “Firmly established in the truth.”  That, however, is no guarantee that I’m going to do the things I know I need to do.  I need people to come alongside me with reminders to pray, and trust God, and love my annoying neighbor as my annoying self.  I people to point out that God is so very powerful, and I am so very not.  That is one very important role of the Body of Christ in our lives.

So, Beloved…

Have you prayed today?

Did you remember to repent and ask God’s forgiveness?

Did you pack your trust?

Don’t forget to love.


Happy Tuesday, Beloved.

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