One-a-Day Monday 6/8/15

number 1When the disciples saw [Jesus] walking on the water, they were terrified.   “It’s a ghost,” they said, and they cried out in fear.  But Jesus immediately said to them, “Take courage.  It is I.  Don’t be afraid.” (Matthew 14:27).

The disciples were terrified.  They saw something coming at them out of the darkness; something they didn’t understand, something they didn’t recognize.  They were all alone—or so they thought.  They assumed the worst, and their courage failed.

But it was Jesus.

It was Jesus.

Now, we could chide the disciples for not recognizing Jesus.  After all, he was their master, their teacher, their constant companion.  How could they not know it was the Lord?

But let’s not pick on Peter and the boys.  I don’t think it was their fault.  I don’t think it was shallowness, or selfishness, or spiritual insensitivity that caused them to mistake Jesus for a ghost.  I think it was much simpler than that.

Jesus came in a way that they weren’t expecting.

I mean, he was walking on water, for corn sake.  Who’s watching for that?

Jesus was doing a God thing, and the disciples were seeing it through Man eyes.


So I wonder…how many of the things that are terrifying in my life are, in fact, Jesus at work?  As I panic and prepare to dive overboard, is he simply coming to me, teaching me, working in me, in a way that I’m not used to?

Am I willing to let him work, even though it scares me?

Because if you know your Scripture, you know what’s coming next.

Take courage, Beloved.

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