Instruction One-a-Day Thursday 12/5/19

A life worthy

Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways.  He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way (Psalm 25:8-9).

I’m a teacher.

I teach.

I teach the excellent students, whose eyes are bright with understanding and a deep desire to learn and grow and understand the things of life.

Aaaand I teach the other ones, the ones I lovingly call “pathetic lumps of flesh.”  

I offer what I have to both, because both need it.

Howeversomuchmoreso with God.  He offers his wisdom to saint and sinner, because both desperately need it.

Why does he do this?  I mean, I get teaching your followers, but why waste wisdom on the wicked?  Well, it’s right there at the beginning of the verse:

Because he is good.

Also, I think God remembers something that I tend to forget:

That sinner?

That humble man?

They are both me.  Just depends on when you catch me.

Happy Thursday, Beloved

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