Chorus Line One-a-Day Wednesday    12/14/16

A life worthy

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25).

Have you ever seen a little kids’ dance performance?

Because I have.

Lots of motion and kicks and spins and vague arm gestures and all at different times.  It’s cute, but ever-so-slightly-painful.

How about we not do that?

Or the video of the marching band in which 99 kids execute a sharp turn left, and one poor trombonist chugs to the right.

How about we not do that?

Or the Blue Angels performance where…oh, wait…the Blue Angels are pretty much always perfect.  A million miles an hour, ¾ of an inch from wingtip to wingtip, near-perfect symmetry.

How about we do that?

We have a choreographer, Beloved.  Let’s follow the steps.

Happy Wednesday.

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